This property contains a predefined value of the sort of operation or state transition the component wants to propagate up to the application level. 这个属性包含这个组件希望传播到应用程序级的一个预定义值,这个值表示操作的类型或状态迁移。
In addition to the set of predefined phases and handlers, users can configure user phases and associated handlers at the operation, service, or global level. 除预先定义的阶段和处理程序集外,用户还可以在操作级别、服务级别或全局级别配置用户阶段和相关处理程序。
But Active DBMS can automatically monitor the state of database system, and the system will trigger the predefined operation as soon as a sensitive state appears. 而主动数据库则由系统自动监视着数据库的状态,当某个敏感的状态出现时,适时地触发一个预先定义的相应操作。